How sick are you of seeing Joint Commission tips and acronyms printed out and taped to bathroom stalls?  If you are like most health care providers, you are fed up with them.  A new movement started in Chicago last month is gaining some traction.  Whenever a Joint Commission sign is seen in the bathroom, providers are starting to rip down the signs and toss them.

joint commssion tips “Here I am trying to enjoy a few minutes of solitude in the stall,” states Derrick Simmons, a pediatric intern credited with starting the movement, “when I looked up and saw a memo with Joint Commission tips.  I’m trying to enjoy a few minutes of peace and quiet during my shift and I’m inundated with this nonsense.  Instinctively, I ripped it down in protest.”

Simmons decided to rip down the paper and ball it up in the toilet.  Soon others heard of his glorious story and followed suit.  Now hospital workers are ripping down the signs in stalls faster than hospital administrators can put them up.

Nurse Samantha Wilkens heard of the movement and took action in the staff restroom by ripping down all flyers attached to the stall doors.  “The Joint Commission is the last thing I want to think about in the restroom.  Those guys are preventing me from having my coffee at the nurses station and cause me to document the same information in 3 places in the EHR.  Screw them!  I-PASS – How about I-SCREW you!”

Movement leaders are urging all healthcare workers to rip down all Joint Commission flyers posted in restrooms and break rooms as soon as possible.

“They (Joint Commission) may take our beverages away, our ability to effectively treat patients, and our dignity, but they will never take our freedom!”