Sunday, May 5, 2024


Physicians Hold Drexit Vote, Doctors Exit Medicine

KANSAS CITY, KS - A large, synchronous exhale was heard this morning as the results of Drexit, or Doctors Exiting Medicine, came in.  Millions of doctors around the country voted to leave medicine this Saturday....

OR Fires Increase as New Regulations are Enforced

Surgical suites across the nation are ablaze this week as rumors of a newly-formed Joint Commission task force has all parties involved sweating in anticipation of the almost-certain visits and inspections that will result....

Regional Anesthesiologist Master of the Cock Block

San Diego, California - Ronald Flackey, MD is not like just any Anesthesiologist.  In addition to the 4 years of medical school and 4 years of residency it takes to practice Anesthesiology, Dr. Flackey...

ASA Admits NPO Guidelines are Entirely Arbitrary

San Diego, CA- In a move that shocked surgeons and anesthesiologists alike, the American Society of Anesthesia announced today that their NPO guidelines are completely baseless. 
anesthesiologist billing trachea esophagus

Anesthesia to Bill for Table Changes

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The National Anesthesiology Resource Committee (NARC) scored a major legislative victory on behalf of all anesthesiology providers today.  As part of House Appropriations Bill 158 Section 11 Subsection 8, anesthesia providers...

Mom Still Cleaning Up After Surgeon Son

NAPLES, FL - A recent phenomenon in an operating room (OR) at Mary Mother Hospital has caught quite the buzz.  Dr. Roger Messi was going about his daily routine performing his third surgery when...

Breaking: Anesthesia Celebrating That Ambien Can Be Blamed for Everything Now

BREAKING - Anesthesiologists and CRNAs across the globe are celebrating today as the baton of blame has been passed onto Ambien for absolutely anything and everything that can go wrong in the hospital or...

Trump Tweets About Several Medical Specialties

Trump is at it again.  This time it involves tweets regarding several medical specialties. Enjoy!

RN, MD Confused After Patient Requests Pain Med That Begins with an E

ATLANTA, GA - An inpatient health care team has been baffled all day by a patient’s persistent requests for pain medication, but it’s not your usual suspect.  The patient keeps asking for that pain...