
isolation gown

How to Put on a Contact Isolation Gown

If you've never done it before, putting on a contact isolation gown can be quite tricky.  It might be easier to put on a straitjacket.  Here's our step-by-step guide, walking you through each step and...

Computer Resuscitated After 6 Rounds of Ctrl+Alt+Del

NASHVILLE, TN - Gomerblog is happy to report that a code team at Nashville Medical Center (NMC) has successfully resuscitated an old nurses station computer after 6 rounds of Ctrl+Alt+Del. "The computer became so slow that...
placement medicine

‘Hospital Medicine’ Renamed ‘Placement Medicine’

PHILADELPHIA, PA - The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) has announced that effective January 1, 2017, the specialty known as Hospital Medicine will be renamed Placement Medicine in order to best reflect current practices.  The...
notes rounding

Surgeon General Finishes Rounding on 320 Million Americans, Dreads Writing Notes

WASHINGTON, DC - Late last night a very visibly tired Surgeon General of the United States Vivek Murthy finally finished rounding on every American in the United States, a patient list of about 320...
Mannequin Challenge

Code Team Performs Ill-Timed Mannequin Challenge During CPR

JACKSONVILLE, FL - A code team at Jacksonville Medical Center (JMC) is under investigation after an ill-timed Mannequin Challenge during a cardiac arrest went viral but left a patient in critical condition. "If there is...

Hospital to Reduce Infections by Coating Patients In Anti-Bacterial Ointment

CHICAGO, IL - Chicago General Hospital is beginning a new initiative to reduce infections in the hospital. Dr. Reiff Lightlier, CMO of the hospital, said ,” As we all know infections in hospital are...

Nurse Disappears After Using “Q” Word

ROCHESTER, MN - Jackie Shern, floor nurse at United General, disappeared following her shift last week.  “It was an easy night for us,” stated Jess Gird, a coworker of Jackie’s.  “We were getting our...

Phyllis the Decoy Nurse

Overworked?  Patient/Nurse ratios too high?  Sounds like you could use Phyllis the decoy nurse!!  Love this video from Dr. Subbio!!    
CPR dummy manikin

Breaking: Nurse Successfully Resuscitates CPR Dummy Back to Human Life

NEW ORLEANS, LA - In some incredible news, critical care nurse Margie Casamento at Tulane Medical Center became the first health care practitioner to successful resuscitate a CPR dummy (or CPR manikin) back to human life....
laughter best medicine Ativan

Breaking: Ativan is the Best Medicine, Laughter Falls to Sixth

BOSTON, MA - Is laughter the best medicine?  Not any more.  According to a new poll of physicians and other medical providers published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Ativan is the best medicine with laughter falling...