

Pathologist Makes Patient NPO After Midnight for Autopsy in the Morning

NASHVILLE, TN - In an effort to minimize aspiration and prevent any further delays in management, forensic pathologist Dr. Jason Martin has made his deceased patient NPO after midnight for possible autopsy in the...
emotional scar collagen

Pathologists Find Emotional Scars Also Made of Collagen

CHICAGO, IL - A fascinating new report from the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) explains emotional scars are actually made up of the same protein found in physical scars, collagen, and not simply...

Everyone, We Mean EVERYONE, Bored at Tumor Board

BALTIMORE, MD - With each additional minute that Dr. Parathyrus struggled to log into PACS, the feeling of lethargy in the room became more and more palpable. “Gosh darn it, I think I’m going to...

What Does Google Think of Your Medical Specialty?

See what Google thinks of your medical specialty.  Don't see your specialty listed?  Look it up and post away on our Facebook post!  We'd love to see more ...

Medical Specialties as Harry Potter Characters

Dolores Umbridge, Corenelius Fudge, Percy Weasley- Administration- you operate on a sliding scale of likability and we aren’t sure if you’re evil, rigid, or caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time....

Pathologists Suffer Third Degree Sun Burns in Hospital Fire Drill

DALLAS, TX - A routine fire drill at Big Tex Hospital took a turn for the worst, authorities report. At 11:58 AM, the Big Tex Office of Compliance, Safety, and Online Modules announced the surprise drill....
ridiculously restrictive transfusion

Surprise! Ridiculously Restrictive Transfusion Threshold of Zero Associated with Death

BOSTON, MA - In a truly eye-opening study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the results of which no one could have predicted, a ridiculously restrictive transfusion strategy (hemoglobin threshold <...

Fourth-Year Medical School Rotations, Here’s the Gouge

As third-year medical students begin to think about scheduling for next year, they must carefully consider how to arrange their final, and arguably most important, year of medical education. “This is the year right before...

Dermatopathologist Unable to “Rule Out Pathology” on Skin Biopsy

NEW YORK, NY - After nearly six months of work up, local dermatopathologist Dr. Jerry Smith finally has to admit defeat. He simply can not completely rule out pathology. "It's a difficult situation," says Smith....