
Wilderness Medicine Residency Approved by ACGME, Offers to Pay Trainees in Pine Cones

BURLINGTON, VT - Enter the profession of wilderness medicine – every closeted survivalist’s dream come true and a quaint throwback to an era where it was socially acceptable to drink pine tar and turpentine to treat...
dog vaccine

Rabies Vaccines Result in Doggie Autism According to Andrew Wakefield, PETA Petrified

HOLY SMOKES, NC - According to GomerBlog sources at GQ, it is true.  Rabies vaccines cause doggie autism.  The news came following a monumental publication by Dr. Andrew Wakefield in Lancet: Cynology last Tuesday. After losing...
remote village

Malpractice Attorneys Without Borders Program Announced to Aid Legally Underserved Countries

NEW YORK, NY – The National Legal Aid and Defender Association announced today the establishment of MMAWB (Medical Malpractice Attorneys Without Borders), a group whose mission statement includes “serving those individuals in impoverished areas...
princess rubella

Disneyland’s New Princess Rubella

DISNEYLAND, CA - Joining princesses Ariel, Cinderella, Tinker Bell and Bella, Disneyland in California has just introduced its latest: Princess Rubella.  Visitors to Disneyland were said to be charmed by the new princess’s notable...
donut hole ACA

Affordable Care Act to Close Donut Hole with Delicious Strawberry Filling

WASHINGTON, DC - For years, the Medicare Part D coverage gap or “donut hole” had always left senior citizens with a less-than-sweet taste in their mouths.  There is good news on the horizon.  According...
va hospital

Local Veterans Affairs Hospital to Merge with DMV

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In an effort to improve efficiency and patient satisfaction, a local Veteran's Affairs (VA) Hospital has announced it will merge with the nearby Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) branch.  VA Hospital...

Run-4-the-Cure 5k Fun Run, 3 Runners Shy of Cure

ATLANTA, GA - The 23rd annual "Race-4-the-Cure Fun Run & Walk" released a statement Monday: "Our annual Fun Run & Walk fell 3 runners short of our goal this year.  No cure will be found...

Hospital Fortress Built to Deter Winter Surge in Patient Volume

BIRMINGHAM, AL - In an effort to withstand the imminent increase in patient volumes with the coming of winter, Birmingham Medical Center (BMC) administrators have unveiled a new state-of-the-art hospital fortress to withstand patient...

Government to Mandate Scale-Operated Doors at All American Buffet Restaurants

WASHINGTON, DC - At the urging of First Lady Michelle Obama, the POTUS has issued an executive order aimed at curtailing the staggering rates of obesity and obesity-related health problems in the US.  The...

Nigeria Offers Aid to Measles-Plagued United States

NIGERIA - Local Nigerian government officials have released an official statement letting the world know they were grateful for the help the US has provided and are willing to help America with her medical problems....