ATLANTA, GA – In the golden age of whistle-blowers, latest medical graduate Kevin Hartman is standing on the shoulders of Edward Snowden and Chelsea [Bradley] Manning. He recently took a flight to Russia and called GomerBlog to pull up the curtain on what many have suspected for years, including Jenny McCarthy.

I pledge allegiance, to big pharm...
I pledge allegiance, to big pharm…

“During [medical school] graduation we were in a large auditorium, and recited the Hippocratic Oath in front of our friends and family,” Dr. Hartman reminisced.  “After the ceremony we were then herded into a back room for what we thought was a group picture in our cap and gowns.”

What happened next has never been discussed outside of the medical profession, the Centers for Disease Control, pharmaceutical companies, and many other branches of government.  To the outsider – and most likely the reason this has remained hidden from the public – a giant conspiracy involving millions of people seems almost impossible.  A skeptical person would say the odds are that one person out of millions and millions would have leaked something.  Until now.  Truth is stranger than fiction.

Kevin described “a dimly-lit room” and meeting with “men wearing green see-through visors and smoking cigars.”  They cut each of the new graduates a check and everyone “took a Big Pharma Oath to forever hold the true knowledge of toxic vaccines and all the dangers that accompany them, a secret forever.”

Kevin claims Big-Pharma forced them into the Oath and said it was just as important as the Hippocratic Oath.  “Jokes on them though, I had my fingers crossed.”

The shocking revelation doesn’t stop there.  “We were promised royalty checks for every vaccine we gave.  No other medication comes with such a benefit.  Sure we might get lunches but not cold, hard, cash,” Dr. Hartman said excitedly.

A typical MMR vaccine costs $52.  If all the costs of production, shipment, refrigeration storage, and pay for nurses who administer the vaccine are accounted for, there is about $0.00007 kickback to physicians and nurses.

This waterfall of money, once split over all parties involved, can total in the dollars in a lifetime.  Once Kevin Hartman came forward many checks have shown up on various websites: $0.83, $0.78, $1.44 etc.  “These checks would be higher if it weren’t for the price of stamps,” their owners stated.

Jenny McCarthy and other anti-vaccination groups are pointing fingers and alas saying, “I told you so!”