SAN ANTONIO, TX – A new study published in The Medicine Journal demonstrated that laughter truly is the best medicine for medical aliments.  The study enrolled patients with a large variety of medical conditions including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, depression, and kidney disease.

laughter is the best medicine
“Oh, glad I don’t have diarrhea”

Patients were split into two groups where one group was exposed to hilarious YouTube FAIL videos for one hour and the second group was exposed to horrible Pauly Shore movies.  Both groups were randomized and patient characteristics and diseases were essentially equal between the two groups.

The results of the study demonstrated remarkable improvement in all diseases in the hilarious YouTube video group over the Pauly Shore group, with the exception of one subset of illnesses: severe diarrhea.

Blood glucose and A1c levels decreased, cancer rates decreased, anginal symptoms vanished in patients with CAD, and BUN/Cr levels dropped significantly in patients with chronic kidney disease.

Patients with severe diarrhea reported increased complications and worsening of symptoms in the YouTube comedy group.

“Diarrhea patients seemed to get worse for some unknown reason,” stated Dr. Arnelio Garner, a primary investigator.

Laughter as a treatment option could be a game changer and many pharmaceutical companies are not happy.  YouTube videos are dirt cheap compared to expensive pharmaceutical drugs.  Imodium makers should have no fears after the results of this study.

Further studies will be needed in order to figure out why laughter helps out every disease except diarrhea.  The famous phrase, “Laughter is the best medicine” is confirmed, but researchers recommend placing an asterisk at the end now.