
Maker of EKG Pads Now Recommends 230-Lead EKGs for Patients

FRIDLEY, MN - New studies are demonstrating that the more EKG leads a patient has, the more accurate the EKG is.  Previously, only 12 leads were utilized to produce EKG printouts, but physicists at...

ICD Interrogated, Confesses to V-Tach

WASHINGTON, DC - GomerBlog has just received word that an ICD has finally caved to repeated interrogation and has finally confessed to the presence of ventricular tachycardia (V-tach or VT).  Cardiologists are stunned. "I cannot...

Cardiologist Validates ‘Time to Burrito Consumption’ as Reasonable Cardiac Risk Stratification Tool

MOBILE, AL - Local cardiologist Dr. Mona Bee has just published a brand new risk stratification tool for coronary artery disease and her patients could not be happier.  Dr. Bee developed the idea when...
atls by medical specialty

Do You Know Your ABCs by Subspecialty?

CHICAGO, IL – The American College of Surgeons (ACS) released new subspecialty-focused primary survey guidelines for Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) this week after a panel review at the recent national meeting. “With no major...

Headlines from the Week in Medical News

ROCHESTER, NY - After two-year grant-writing process, associate professor of medicine’s submission to JAMA’s “funny cartoon caption contest” fails peer review process. AKRON, OH - Patient with Kluver-Bucy Syndrome made NPO except for meals. BOSTON, MA...
michelle and medical student

Breaking: Med Student Plagiarized Michelle Obama in Recent Consult Note

Reports out of Mercy Hospital indicate that 4th year medical student Adam Hunter has blatantly plagiarized Michelle Obama’s 2008 democratic convention speech in a recent consult note during his Cardiology elective.  The consult note,...

Team to Replete the Hell Out of Patient’s Potassium

LOUISVILLE, KY - An inpatient multidisciplinary team of nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nutritionists, hospitalists, nephrologists, and cardiologists at Louisville Medical Center (LMC) has stopped everything and look forward to taking care of Room...

Dr. Clinton Gets Away with Wearing Pantsuit in OR

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A shocking story coming from Bethesda Medical Center, where Hillary Clinton has been wearing a pantsuit in the operating room.  She refuses to wear scrubs, a scrub cap, surgical mask mask, or...

Medcomic: WPW Edition (Whoa, Surf’s Up!)

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) is a pre-excitation syndrome of intermittent tachycardia that results from an accessory pathway (the bundle of Kent) directly connecting the atria and the ventricles.  The anomalous pathyway allows electrical activity to...
father's day for physician or nurse

Last Minute Father’s Day Gifts for Your Physician/Nurse Dad

Did you forget to buy your doctor or nurse dad a gift for Father’s Day?  Don’t worry, GomerBlog has you covered.  Here’s a last minute gift guide by specialty for all you procrastinators out...