
Medical Specialties as Game of Thrones Characters

As all medical specialties try to gain control of the hospital, we've narrowed down who their characters are: Cardiology, you poor tortured soul with a horrible life. Let's be honest, you got yourself into this.       ...

Cardiologist Admits to Just Using EKG Computer Interpretation for Over 15 Years

TOPEKA, KS - Veteran cardiologist, Dr. Ernesto Rodriguez, appeared on 20/20 last night with a shocking revelation.  Dr. Rodriguez admitted to just using the computer interpretation of EKGs as his own interpretations for the past...

This Day in Medical History: ECG of the Day Toilet Paper Invented

THIS DAY IN MEDICAL HISTORY, 1985 - Have you always wondered how ECG of the Day Toilet Paper came to be in the first place?  And who was smart enough to invent it? Back on...
Lub Dub

Cardiologist Names Newborn Daughter Lub Dub

ATLANTA, GA - After much deliberation but with much excitement, cardiologist Randy Duckett has announced that he and his wife have chosen a name for their beautiful newborn 6 lb. 12 oz. daughter: Lub...
nystatin statin

Dammit, It’s a Ruse! Nystatin Isn’t a Statin After All

BETHESDA, MD - The medical world is at a loss for words after scientists at the National Institute of Health (NIH) dropped the megaton bombshell that nystatin isn't a real statin after all.  That's...
medical cartoon

Medical Cartoons

We recently received some great medical cartoons from a cartoonist and wanted to share them with you.  Check out his Med Cartoons site at  He was even able to make a plague doctor...

Interventional Radiologist Uses Dental Floss, Chewing Gum to Fix Broken Pipe in Kitchen Sink

NEW YORK, NY - Newly-minted interventional radiology attending Dr. Marcus Jones scored a personal victory today when he successfully mended a leaking pipe leading to his kitchen sink using only dental floss and chewing...
shoulder pain

A Cardiologist Explains: Shoulder Pain

Hello, and good afternoon to you.  Of course, I know it must be the afternoon because I don't see patients in the morning or evening or weekend anymore. At any rate, I shall discuss with...
Amazon Echo

Cardiologist Extremely Disappointed by Amazon Echo

DALLAS, TX - Unable to visualize any cardiac images let alone make any useful observations about the human heart, a cardiologist at Baylor University Medical Center says he is extremely disappointed by the Amazon...
orthopedic surgeon ortho spelling bee WBAT sticks & stones

An Orthopedic Surgeon Explains: Diastolic Heart Failure

Brosefs and lady folk: It seems that every now and then we have to deal with something other than the bones.  As you can imagine, this is sub-optimal at best. Because bones.  Anywhoo, I've been...