
Particularly Rough Night on Inpatient Psych Ward Inspired Angry Turds Game Franchise

BENTONVILLE, AR - In a classic example of art imitating life, a disgruntled inpatient psychiatric nurse created the now famous Angry Turds franchise of games, movies, apps, t-shirts, crocs, and mumu’s. The game is...

Trump Tweets About More Medical Specialties

President Trump has gone back to Twitter to tweet about some of the specialties he forgot in his first tweetstorm!
probiotics antibiotics

Probiotics, Antibiotics Battling for Supremacy in Man’s Intestines

MAN'S SMALL BOWEL - For those who have been keeping score, it has been an absolute nail-biter as probiotics Lactobacillus & Bifidobacterium and antibiotics Levaquin & Flagyl battle for supremacy in this poor man's...
coffee poop

Gastroenterologist Explains Coffee-Pooping Connection

POOPOO, HI - The link between morning coffee consumption and bowel movements has been well known throughout history.  Even medieval Starbucks had chamber pots for customers with more robust reactions than average to their charred...

Family Who Changed Your Diapers Will Never Listen To Your Medical Advice

BOCA RATON, FL -- A new study has revealed results which come as absolutely no surprise to anybody who works in healthcare: 100% of family members who ever changed your diapers when you were...

Nitwit GI Doc Leaves Scope in Patient’s Colon Again

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - "Gosh darn it!" exasperated nitwit gastroenterologist Steven Moravsky uttered in a state of shock earlier today when endoscopy suite staff called him at home to remind him the scope was...
Tres Leches

Tres Leches Cake Gives Lactose-Intolerant Patient Tres Diarreas

NEW YORK, NY - Telling Gomerblog that she can never ever deny her sweet tooth the chance at dessert no matter what the consequences, Linda McEwen justified why she had tres leches anyway well-knowing...
human organs

AMA Announces List of the Top 6 Useless Organs

The Human body is a marvelous biologic machine, adapted to sustain homeostasis in a wide variety of environments. A spectacular coalescence of multiple organs highly evolved to sustain life.... for the most part. Some...
elderly patient

Doctors Become Obsessed When Elderly Lady Doesn’t Obsess About Her Bowels

Elderly Columbus resident Annette Smith was deemed mentally unfit after a recent hospitalization because she didn't even realize she was supposed to shit every day.  On July 15th Ms smith presented to Riverside for...
Milky Way lactose intolerance

NASA Diagnoses Milky Way Galaxy with Lactose Intolerance

HOUSTON, TX - If you ever thought that our solar system has a funky smell but could never figure out what it was, you're not alone.  The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has...