Level 1 Drama Algorithm for the Emergency Department
We have all been there when a Level 1 Drama call comes through the doors. New evidence has led to the creation of a Level 1 Drama Algorithm which was recently published in the...
Jealous of Nurses Week, Hospital Administrators Plan to Create Administrators Week
ATLANTA, GA - Jealous of all the attention registered nurses (RNs) have received during Nurses Week, hospital administrators nationwide are hoping to create an Administrators Week to celebrate their contributions to healthcare. Though hospital...
Nurses Required to Take Swim Test After Nurse Drowns in the Float Pool
KEARNEY, NE - Staff at Kind Humanitarian Hospital (KHH) were saddened to learn that a long-time nurse Lara Kennedy drowned in the nursing float pool overnight. Local nurse Amy Lace was in shock, as...
Success! 16-French Foley Placed by Team of 16 French Nurses, Urologists
PARIS, FRANCE - Gomerblog is ecstatic to report that a 16-French Foley catheter was successfully placed by a team of exactly 16 French health care providers earlier today at Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, a teaching hospital...
Contact Precautions Stethoscope Will Be Replaced With Drawing of Stethoscope
CHARLESTON, SC - In an effort to cut down on cost and auscultation, hospitals are deciding to change to a illustrated picture of a stethoscope.
"This is much better," Harris Sumfeld told reporters. Mr....
Doctors & Nurses Agree: Everyone Is a Poor Historian
ATLANTA, GA - Frustrated because you can’t get the details you want from a patient? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. A recent eye-opening poll held on the world-renowned medical website Facebook found...
Proactive Patient Does Own Admission Orders, H&P
QUEENS, NY - In one of the best examples in recent memory of medical self-ownership, a proactive patient not only sought medical attention but also did his own admission orders and H&P when it...
“Rewards” Program for Frequent Flyers Includes Unlimited, Complimentary Discharges
ATLANTA, GA - Atlanta University Hospital (AUH) has unveiled a new tiered hospital rewards program for frequent flyers that provides numerous benefits, including free downgrades in pain medications and complimentary discharges. Though the program...
Physicians Hold Drexit Vote, Doctors Exit Medicine
KANSAS CITY, KS - A large, synchronous exhale was heard this morning as the results of Drexit, or Doctors Exiting Medicine, came in. Millions of doctors around the country voted to leave medicine this Saturday....
New Nurse Retires After First 12-Hour Shift
OCEANSIDE, CA - New graduate Betty Jones has decided to retire after her first and only twelve-hour shift of floor nursing. Said Betty Jones, "I've never felt so burnt out in my whole life....