Primary Care

baby ADHD

Enfamil with Adderall Approved for Infantile ADHD

LEXINGTON, MA -  Spiral Pharmaceuticals has paired with baby formula giant Enfamil to create the world’s first amphetamine-fortified formula, which will treat a newly discovered, early-onset variant of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  Parents...

Big Pharma Admits They’re Just Trying to Kill Everybody with Vaccines

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In what is being hailed as a huge victory for the anti-vaccine movement, Big Pharma announced to the world today that they've been fooling everyone all along, that vaccines don’t work, and...

New CPR Guidelines Recommend Switching Out Providers Every 5 Cycles to Update Facebook Status

ST. LOUIS, MO – The American Heart Association (AHA) conducted further research and has published the new 2014 recommendations for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).  Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) classes will...

Patient Care During Super Bowl Nears “Total Neglect” Status

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – "Don’t get sick during the Super Bowl" was the overwhelming response put out the Joint Commission today.  New studies just released by The Lancet indicate that patient care nears "total neglect" status...
An alcoholic dream

Alcoholic Fills Out Negative Patient Survey for Care Received on Christmas Morning

NEW ORLEANS, LA - 52-year-old Milton Applewood, a raging alcoholic who visits Holy Cross Hospital on a weekly basis, was appalled at the medical care he received on Christmas morning. “Absolutely trashed,” proclaimed Applewood in...

CPR Guidelines Made Even Simpler

Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation was replaced by only chest compression in 2008 after a slow de-emphasis on replacement breathing.  This made CPR simple and easy to remember, and the chest compressions were set to the cadence of...
angry patient

Poor Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Blamed on Doctor

BOUTTE, LA - Bobby Boudreaux's colonoscopy had to be aborted this morning due to a poor bowel prep, making it impossible to safely perform the procedure according to his gastroenterologist, Dr. Kay Huai. "I knew...

Man ‘Accidentally Falls’ on Gerbil That Ran Through Lube

MEMPHIS, TN – A local resident presented to the emergency room with an unusual complaint this evening.  Chief complaint: "My bottom really hurts." At first he was reluctant to say anything.  "He told me his bottom hurt,"...

ER Visits Down 72% When it Rains, Trial to Focus on Healing Power of...

NEW ORLEANS, LA – A multicenter observational study last year reviewed millions of ER visits and found that ER visits are down 72% when it rains.  The current hypothesis is that rain either has a healing effect...

Ashley Madison Data Leak Possibly Linked to Spike in Hospital Admissions

LOS ANGELES, CA - News of the Ashley Madison adultery website data leak is possibly leading to an unexpected surge in hospital resource utilization today, although the precise cause of the admissions remains unclear.  Dr....