Primary Care

health care

Healthcare Not Fair Presents Episode 1: ‘Ms. Have It All’

Healthcare Not Fair, a satirical, comical, and at the same educational web series about American healthcare, launches its first episode "Ms. Have It All" at  Created by a practicing physician, inspired by his...
red wine champagne tap Barolo tap

Study: Red Wine in Moderation Good, in Excess Freaking Amazing

ROCHESTER, MN - Wine enthusiasts bust out the Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, and other red varietals, and get ready to celebrate!  An exciting new study published in JAMA (Journal of Alcoholics & More Alcoholics)...
Dr. Oz testifying

State Medical Board Disciplines Dr. Oz by Forcing Him Back to Clinical Practice

NEW YORK, NY - In a stunning conclusion to an ongoing debate about the future of Dr. Oz, the state medical board investigating him announced that they have agreed on the proper reprimand for...
traffic jam Flonase

Public Flees California in Droves Due to Dilaudid Shortage

CALIFORNIA - As a result of a statewide shortage of the popular IV opioid pain medication, Dilaudid, a mass emigration of people away from the disaster-stricken state of California has apparently occurred over the...
on call room

Philadelphia Area Hospital Announces Program to House Homeless in Resident Call Rooms

PHILADELPHIA, PA - This summer, the board of Philadelphia City University Hospital (PCUH) plan to start moving the area's homeless population into permanent housing in the resident call rooms, which they say will keep...
medical students

Optimistic, Bright-Eyed Med Students Eager to Transform into Jaded, Burned-Out Physicians

ATLANTA, GA - Like a caterpillar ready to mature into a beautiful butterfly, bright-eyed graduating medical students across the nation are eager to begin their impressive transformation into what this American health care system...
beef rib

Beef Rib Named Official State Fruit of Texas

LOCKHART, TX - Say goodbye to the Texas red grapefruit as the official state fruit of Texas.  Texas legislators will meet later tomorrow in Lockhart, also known BBQ Capital of Texas, to officially name...
new medical interns

Hospital Eliminates July from Calendar, Decreases Mortality 3,000%

BOSTON, MA - Hospital administrators nationwide are hailing a successful new effort described as “downright brilliant” to help curb hospital mortality by eliminating July from the calendar. “Our new initiative is the culmination of a 10-year...
doctor on phone

This Patient Really Belongs on Your Service

Commentary by a Doctor of a Kind Different From Your Kind Hi.  I’m really sorry to be waking you at an hour such as this one, but there is a problem which I believe requires...
pain in elbow

A Revolutionary New Objective Pain Scale Could Replace the 0-10 Pain Scale

The conventional 0-10 pain scale used as “the fifth vital sign” has made caregivers complacent in pain management.  A new scale has been devolved by James Nencka, Chief of Medicine at the Clement Ave...