Conversation Starters While Scrubbing For Surgery with Your Attending

Scrubbing before surgery can be an awkward time for residents who have to spend up to 5 uninterrupted minutes standing next to an attending while you both wash your hands. Casual conversation can be...

The 5 Stages of Boards Preparation

GomerBlog breaks down the 5 stages of Boards preparation: Denial "I don't need to study yet... it's much more important to (fill in blank: shop for Chanel skin care products, catch up on Game of Thrones...
medicine resident

Graduating Resident Gives Finger to Every Attending in Department Before Leaving

Dr. Will Chou, a graduating internal medicine resident, perfected his time management skills and was able to locate every single attending in his department and give them a flying middle finger to their face...

Thousands Sick with 80-Degree Flu Today

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - In what can only be described as the largest summer epidemic, experts are working frantically to find a cure for the 80-degree flu.  "Hundreds of nurses call in sick each Friday,...

Meet CrossSh*t, The High-Intensity Bowel Program

SANTA CRUZ, CA - The founders of CrossFit Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenai have announced the creation of a new strength and conditioning program to help patients improve their bowel fitness.  Dubbed CrossSh*t, it will...

Rosetta Stone: OB/GYN Edition

ARLINGTON, VA - In an effort to boost sales, language software giant Rosetta Stone launches the first of a long line of medical language learning programs.  Each medical specialty has its own vernacular which...

Med Student Avoids Pelvic Exam for Record 1,429th Straight Day

KANSAS CITY, MO - Fourth-year medical student Rick Hansen ain't no dummy.  He even says it himself: "I ain't no dummy."  Like most medical students, Hansen dreads performing the pelvic exam.  As he nears...
tip jar

Intern Spotted Rounding with Tip Jar, Asking for Spare Change

PITTSBURGH, PA - Medicine intern Randy McMichael has been trying to make his measly paycheck last each month.  Despite making the usual sacrifices - subsisting on a diet of graham crackers and cutting out...

Chaos as ICU Attending Touches Defibrillator

LEBANON, IN – An internal mass casualty incident was declared at Saint Sebastian Hospital on Thursday morning after an ICU physician inadvertently discharged a defibrillator, resulting in six wounded.  A respiratory therapist, two ICU...

Stryker Surgical Snacks, The Perfect OR Treat

DALLAS, TX – Stryker Surgical just released a new line bound to please every orthopedic surgeon, anesthesiologist, CRNA, OR nurse, surgical tech, and yes, even make the general surgeons happy too.  They’re called Stryker...