Emergency Medicine

cpr clear

ZDoggMD: Clear!

We should petition CPR classes to just show ZDoggMD's video.  The excruciating 8 hour class could be summed up in 3 minutes.  Hands only CPR is where it is at anyways.  Plus it is...
health record on post it notes

Area Hospital to Implement New Health Record Using Post-it Notes

AREA, GA - Despite a flurry of activity in healthcare systems across America to implement efficient electronic health records (EHRs) or even more efficient paper charts (PCs), one area hospital in Area, Georgia has...

ER Doc Closes Papercut with 14 Stitches to Protect Gang Member’s Street Cred

Los Angeles, CA- Jose “Mierda Verde” Sinhuevos is one of the most feared member of the West Hollywood Nacho Libre Street gang. Last week while reading his the latest issue of the Chulo Weekly newsletter,...

Uber Boston Announces New Service in Partnership with Ambulance Drivers

BOSTON, MA – Ride-share company, Uber recently announced a new service in Boston called UberEMS.  The new pilot program will only be available to those with MassHealth, Medicare or Medicaid.  There will apparently be...
mood ring

Mood Rings Reflect Real Time Patient Satisfaction

COLUMBIA, SC - Due to lagging patient satisfaction scores and frequent complaints, County Hospital administrators are fitting every patient with a mood ring so staff can track patient satisfaction throughout the treatment process at any...

Ashley Madison Data Leak Possibly Linked to Spike in Hospital Admissions

LOS ANGELES, CA - News of the Ashley Madison adultery website data leak is possibly leading to an unexpected surge in hospital resource utilization today, although the precise cause of the admissions remains unclear.  Dr....

ER Hires ‘Dilaudid Nazi’ to Dispense (or Not) Dispense Opioids

ATLANTA, GA - The famous "Soup Nazi" from Seinfeld has been hired by Memorial Hospital’s ER to dispense or not dispense opioids to patients checking in through triage. Just as in his restaurant, a single file...

ED Consults Pathology on Acute Abdomen Just to “Make Them Aware”

SANTE FE, NM - Emergency Medicine attending physician, Dr. Edith Lin, believes in a proactive and multidisciplinary approach to patient management.  When a 46-year-old woman with sixteen hours of sharp right upper quadrant abdominal pain,...
bed control

Fanduel to Debut Betting on Drunk ED Patients’ Alcohol Levels

LOS ANGELES, CA - Popular daily fantasy sports betting site Fanduel announced today that they will soon be branching out into a new gambling, er….gaming…. arena. Starting in February, Fanduel will be offering real-time...

Nurse O.J. Simpson Can’t Ever Get a Glove to Fit

BRENTWOOD, CA - Geez, O.J. Simpson just can't get a break!  He has been asked over and over again to go into a patient's room, but there are no gloves that fit him! They...