Sunday, June 16, 2024


Cat on Ventilator, Still Full Code After 4 Years

FREDERICKSBURG, FL - Local cat, Smokey, has been staying in the local vet hospital - in the ICU - for about 4 years.  This feline needs the assistance of a mechanical ventilator to breath,...

July Intern Really Excited to Cause His Very First Pneumothorax

ATLANTA, GA - Sometimes getting thrown into the fire is the best way to learn.  At least that's what July intern Timothy McDuffy thinks.  Less than 24 hours into his first day as a...

FDA Approves FUROSESONEROLAQUINOX for Undifferentiated Dyspnea

WASHINGTON, D.C. - To the delight of emergency physicians across the country, the Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of a new drug which combines 5 commonly-used medications to treat acute dyspnea. FUROSESONEROLAQUINOX™ combines...
incentive spirometry

Bong Incentive Spirometer‏ a Big Hit in Colorado Hospitals

BOULDER, CO - Bronco Products, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of the FDA and DEA approved Bong-dongle pulmonary incentive spirometer/peak flow meter (patent pending).  The Bong-dongle is a revolutionary new device that couples...

Pulmonary Clinic Full of SOBs

DALLAS, TX - GomerBlog is on scene at the Pulmonary Clinic at Dallas Medical Center to report that the place is overrun with SOBs.  Every single patient, every single one of them, you know...
N95 99 negative AFB sputums

Doc Takes Chance on Ill-Fitting Small N95 Mask Since Finding Regular One Requires Effort

BIRMINGHAM, AL - After briefly weighing the risks and benefits of using an ill-fitting small N95 mask that's already there versus trying to search the ward for the right-sized regular one before entering into...

Physician Recruitment Ad Statements and What They Really Mean

Ad text Actual meaning Established medical center is a state of the art, modern, newly renovated hospital   The MRI works 12 hours out of the week, and the cost of that new fountain in the lobby will...
mucous plugs

Dr. Seuss Wrote a Progress Note: The Dung in the Lung

LA JOLLA, CA—After rounding on his patient, the incomparable Dr. Seuss entered the following progress note into Mr. Scott Hess’s chart: I confess I just assessed Mister Hess. Do you want to know his progress? Why yes,...

Intern Inadvertently Orders Negative Pressure Ventilation; Patient Placed in Iron Lung

DALLAS, TX - While placing orders on rounds, intern TooMany Orders clicked over to the Respiratory section in the hospital’s surprisingly thorough EMR. The patient was having difficulty breathing, and he needed to place...

Physical Exam Tips: The Lungs

Examining one lung is hard enough, but two of them??!!  TWO??!!  UGHHHHH!!  This is so much work!  If you only have the stamina to examine one lung, definitely choose wisely. Or if you have...