Nursing Student

Nursing student satire

respiratory rate

Nurse Suspended for Consistently Charting Respiratory Rate of 16

CHICAGO, IL - Nurse Jamie Inspira was suspended from Atlantic Memorial Hospital last week.  In a report that was just made public, it was stated that Nurse Inspira, RN continually charted respiratory rates (RR)...
code doorframe

RN Shocked Code Isn’t Etched Somewhere on Door, Doorframe

PHILADELPHIA, PA - Confronted with a locked door with an electronic keypad, a nurse was shocked to find that the code was not blatantly etched on the door or doorframe somewhere. “This completely breaches one...

The 5 Stages of Boards Preparation

GomerBlog breaks down the 5 stages of Boards preparation: Denial "I don't need to study yet... it's much more important to (fill in blank: shop for Chanel skin care products, catch up on Game of Thrones...

Night Shift Nurse Associates Sunrise with Mimosas

28-year-old nightshift nurse Rene Wilkins has come to appreciate sunrise for several reasons, one to include drinking multiple mimosas at John’s Breakfast Hut at 8am. “Growing up I used to hate sunrise!” proclaimed Wilkins.  “Typically...

Miracle on the Hudson: NYC Nurse Lands Foley in 600-Pound Female Patient

HUDSON VALLEY, NY - A miracle occurred on Saturday as Cathy Meyers, night shift RN at Hudson Valley Hospital, found herself staring at the wavering end of a fully-inflated Foley catheter. The catheter once...
iv pca infusion pump WiFi

In the Name of Patient Satisfaction, IV Pumps Fitted with WiFi

BOSTON, MA - As much as they don’t want to admit it, health care professionals have succumbed to the reality of patient satisfaction surveys and the fact they are here to stay, which partially...
nurse memes

Nursing Memes Collection to Help You Survive Your Shift!

Nurses, nursing students, CNAs, sometimes you just need that extra laugh to get you through a horrible shift.  Take 2 minutes to flip through these memes and hopefully we can give you enough energy...
foley catheter

Clumsy Intern Keeps Tripping Over Patients’ Foley Catheters

BOULDER, CO - Patients, nurses, and urologists at Boulder Medical Center are starting to lose patience with intern Willie Johnson, who despite being incredibly nice and very bright, just always seems to be tripping...
nurse mary penny

Cashier Who Criticized Nurse’s Appearance Fired Due to Rude Personality

Last week, Nurse Mary Penney was in line at a store when a cashier critiqued her appearance and found it surprising that she was able to hold a job at a nursing home.  Mary...