Primary Care

What Does Google Think of Your Medical Specialty?

See what Google thinks of your medical specialty.  Don't see your specialty listed?  Look it up and post away on our Facebook post!  We'd love to see more ...
nursemaids marching

Nation’s Nursemaids March to Clear Name

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Nursemaids from around the nation convened on the National Mall Tuesday to rally against what they called, “years of injustice and unfair social stigma perpetuated by the American healthcare system.” At...

Hospital’s New ‘Therapy Monkey’ Program Met with Mixed Reviews

AURORA, CO – Three weeks after its launch, an innovative new ‘Therapy Monkey’ program at Children’s Hospital Colorado is being met with mixed reviews. Long-known as a leader in designing ways to decrease patient...

Patient Stuck in Endless ‘Clearance’ Referral Pattern, Hasn’t Had Surgery in 6 Years

Mr. Smith, a 67-year-old man with a fair number of medical problems, has been trying to be medically cleared for an inguinal hernia operation for 6 years now. It all started when he was seen...

Medical Specialties as Harry Potter Characters

Dolores Umbridge, Corenelius Fudge, Percy Weasley- Administration- you operate on a sliding scale of likability and we aren’t sure if you’re evil, rigid, or caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time....

Homeopath to Drug Seeker: ‘I Thought You Said Dilute It’

SEATTLE, WA - Friday, local drug-seeker Garrett Ashton was reportedly shocked to learn that his Dilaudid was not available for pick-up, and in fact, it had not been prescribed at all. Upon following up...

Social-Histories Improve Markedly Following Social Media Data Hack

Medical institutions across the nation have noticed a dramatic increase in the social history accuracy of their medical records over the past month, following Epic’s unexpected hack of all social media platforms. When asked for...
CDC headquarters, ignore, sit-up, sit-ups, anti-vaxxer cooties, pictures 2,300 words, eat sh*t and die, hypodermic needles, bed bugs, vanco, Zosyn, Lego, flu shot, exhalation, baseline, Vaseline, scabies

CDC Quarantines Jenny McCarthy

ATLANTA, GA -- Due to the severe flu outbreak this season, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has decided to examine the major sources of transmission. Upon careful review, the CDC epidemiologists...

Hospice Agencies Pioneering a Different Approach to the Decidedly Unglamorous Process of Dying

“Our clients customize their own End of Living Plans down to the finest details,” mused company spokesperson Delilah Banerjee. “Their final months, days, and even minutes are occasions to express themselves. You only die...

A Breakup Letter to the Z-Pack

Dear Z-Pack, We’ve had a good run together. But, my dearest azithromycin, it is time for us to end our love affair. It’s not you. It’s me. When I met you, I thought you were the...