Friday, April 26, 2024


wallet aorta

Cardiothoracic Surgeon Hoping He Didn’t Leave Wallet in Guy’s Aorta

NEW YORK, NY - As cardiothoracic surgeon Timothy Carter sews his patient's sternum closed after successful repair of an ascending aortic aneurysm, he can't help but wonder if he might have left his wallet in...
dick prick urologist urology

Breaking News: Local Urologist is a Giant Dick

NASHVILLE, TN - After examining thousands upon thousands of male genitalia, area urologist Richard Ball-Sax has been called by patients, colleagues, friends, and family for the person he has now become: a giant, throbbing dick. "It...
registered nurses

Memes, Memes, and More Medical Memes

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New Orthopedic Surgery Simulator a Warehouse Filled with Tree Stumps, Blunt Ax

PORTLAND, OR - Oregon Health and Sciences University recently unveiled their innovative new orthopedic surgery simulator, which consists of a large industrial warehouse filled with hundreds of tree stumps and a single blunt ax. “This...

Lab Coats Now Available in Brand New Colors

MEMPHIS, TN - Like the stethoscope, the white lab coat has not only been a magnet for bodily fluids and random food products, but also a steady symbol of medicine as an institution.  But...

Hospital Rat Mistaken for Pokémon

CHICAGO, IL - Northwestern University Hospital had a false alarm Saturday, where several employees mistook a hospital rat for a rare Pokémon.  "I was so excited when I saw him," said OR scrub tech...
hunger pain scale hangry

Joint Commission Releases New Hunger Pain Scale

CHICAGO, IL - Gomerblog has just received word, in fact several words, that the Joint Commission will put forth a new hunger pain scale.  This comes as the Joint Commission acknowledges that hunger pain is...

Birds Wondering Why Med Student Leaving for Work So Early

FRONT YARD – When third-year medical student Krista Adams left for the hospital at 4:15 AM this morning, multiple birds in the area were left wondering why on Earth any human would get up...
maximal surgery

Surgeon Recommends Maximally-Invasive Surgery

KEARNEY, NE - Dr. Billy Ali Colic, a surgeon at Kind Samaritan Hospital, pulled no punches and hid no excitement when he recommended a wide-open Colo-pancreatico-prosto-aoritco-doudenostomy-ostomy for his patient John Dice this morning. “Laparoscopic, endoscopic,...