Primary Care

medical students

Straight-A Medical Student Eager to One Day Have Very Own Patients Who Completely Ignore...

ST. LOUIS, MO - Expressing that there would be “no greater conceivable opportunity to help others,” top-of-her-class medical student and part-time brownnoser Isabelle Wessington says she eagerly anticipates a future career in which she,...
urgent care monkey

Urgent Care Trains Monkey to Dispense Z-Paks, Send Patients to ER

CHARLOTTE, NC - An urgent care clinic in Charlotte is the talk of the industry after piloting a new program meant to lower costs and increase patient efficiency.  A trained monkey, Giggles, was recently...
doctor updating

What Your Doctor or Nurse Means When They Say Your Loved One is ‘Doing...

The devil is in the details and, for patients and family members, those details can be hard to squeeze out of those shifty doctors as they Houdini in and out of your room.  Often...
menu book

Book of Delivery Menus Missing, 20 Night Nurses & Doctors Die of Hunger

AUGUSTA, GA - Medical personnel, patients, and families at Augusta Medical Center (AMC) are in mourning this morning as 20 night nurses and physicians died tragically last night from hunger after the treasured book of...
dogs in cage at er

Veterinary ER Incapacitated by Doggie Psych Holds

DURHAM, NC - A local veterinary ER is currently open but essentially non-functional, as 8 of its 10 treatment rooms are occupied by suicidal dogs awaiting placement to inpatient doggie psych hospitals.  With only...
iv pole medical student

In Cost-Cutting Measure, IV Poles to Be Replaced with Eager Medical Students

BIRMINGHAM, AL - Earlier this week, administrators and health care practitioners at Birmingham Medical Center implemented a new cost-cutting measure that hopes to save their health system millions of dollars.  What is the new...
sunset at the hospital

Monday Medicine Rounds Finish Just In Time for Tuesday Medicine Rounds

PHILADELPHIA, PA – With record-setting efficiency, the internal medicine team here at St. Agnes Hospital whipped through their Monday morning rounds at a breakneck pace this week, managing to complete them with a full...
strange and awkward doctor

Call Room Passion Described as ‘Awkward,’ ‘Sweaty’

PITTSBURGH, PA - Dr. Samantha Brown, a newly-minted emergency medicine resident, was 7 weeks into residency before she had her first major disappointment of post-graduate life.  Paired with a number of what she thought...

Hospital Wristband Finally Identify ‘Pain in the A**’ Patients

SILICON VALLEY, CA – Following failed internal quality improvement efforts targeting drug-seeking patients, one California hospital took on a new tactic for difficult-to-deal-with patients. Like every other hospitalized patient who needs additional hospital wristband identification...

New Multivitamin Cures Cancer, Heart Disease, Famine, Evil

SAN DIEGO, CA - A new miracle multivitamin released by pharmaceutical company Pfizer last month has taken the world by storm as it not only cures cancer and heart disease, but also depression, diabetes,...